Delta Aquarid meteor shower peaks this week

By on Monday, July 26th, 2021 in Columbia Basin News More Top Stories

PENDLETON – The Delta Aquarid meteor shower peaks in the early morning hours of Wednesday and Thursday. It’s considered to be a modest display.

“It’s kind of an average shower that can produce up to 20 meteors an hour at its peak,” National Weather Service Hydrologist Marilyn Lohmann said. “It’s produced from debris left behind from comets Marsden and Kracht.”

Friday’s full moon is waning, but could still cause a problem with viewing the meteors.

“Its (the moon’s) glare might block some of the meteors, but if you’re patient and out in a real dark location, you should be able to catch a few good ones,” she said.

The Delta Aquarid shower is considered a warmup for the Perseid meteor shower which peaks on Aug. 11, with an expected average of 50 meteors an hour on that date.

Graphic credit: Nature Vectors by Vecteezy

Delta Aquarid meteor shower peaks this week

By on Monday, July 26th, 2021 in Columbia Basin News More Top Stories

PENDLETON – The Delta Aquarid meteor shower peaks in the early morning hours of Wednesday and Thursday. It’s considered to be a modest display.

“It’s kind of an average shower that can produce up to 20 meteors an hour at its peak,” National Weather Service Hydrologist Marilyn Lohmann said. “It’s produced from debris left behind from comets Marsden and Kracht.”

Friday’s full moon is waning, but could still cause a problem with viewing the meteors.

“Its (the moon’s) glare might block some of the meteors, but if you’re patient and out in a real dark location, you should be able to catch a few good ones,” she said.

The Delta Aquarid shower is considered a warmup for the Perseid meteor shower which peaks on Aug. 11, with an expected average of 50 meteors an hour on that date.

Graphic credit: Nature Vectors by Vecteezy