Crews mopping up wildfire near Huntington, lighting suspected as cause

By on Tuesday, June 11th, 2024 in More Top Stories Northeastern Oregon News

HUNTINGTON –  Fire crews are mopping up a wildfire that spread to nearly 500 acres near the town of Huntington in Baker County.

The fire, called the Benson Creek Fire, began on Sunday two miles southwest of Huntington and quickly spread.  Crews from the Vale BLM, Vale Hotshots and the Rangeland Fire Protection Association were dispatched to the scene.

As of Monday, June 10, the BLM says the fire burned 470 acres, but was 100% lined and crews were mopping up. Lighting from a recent thunderstorm is suspected to be the cause, but the BLM has not confirmed it yet.

“We encourage the public to be extra careful with campfires and help prevent fires by ensuring chains or straps with metal clips that could cause a spark are not dragging,” said Larisa Bogardus

Public Affairs Specialist for Vale District BLM.  “This allows us to focus our resources on lightning-caused fires, which we cannot prevent.”

For more information about preventing wildfires, visit