County notifies CDA it intends to go to court

By on Friday, May 24th, 2024 in Columbia Basin News More Top Stories

UMATILLA COUNTY – Umatilla County’s attorney of record has officially notified the Columbia Development Authority that it intends to take legal action if the CDA fails to rescind a vote that took away economic development land for the county. Umatilla County has been one of the partners in the old Umatilla Chemical Weapon Depot land for over 30 years.

The letter from Josh Newton of BBK Law in Bend said the county demands that the CDA immediately rescind the action until the board has a reasonable opportunity to discuss, reach consensus, and adopt a reasonable and prudent depot property transition program.

Previously, the county had asked CDA Board President Kim Puzey to rescind the vote. He refused to do that at the April meeting.

The letter also asks that the issue be added to the agenda for the May 28 meeting of the CDA Board of Directors. That won’t happen. After receiving the letter, the CDA notified the county and other board members that the meeting on May 28 is canceled. The board will resume its regular meeting schedule in June. The date of the June meeting has not yet been announced.