Council could get two new roads

By on Monday, April 25th, 2022 in Columbia Basin News More Top Stories

HERMISTON – The Hermiston City Council and Urban Renewal Agency will meet at 7 p.m. today. The major item on the agenda is accepting jurisdiction for Airport and Ott roads, which dissolves the union between the city and Umatilla County that saw the creation of the Eastern Oregon Trade and Event Center.

The county has already approved giving the city those roads after county-made improvements on both of them. The city will be responsible for maintaining the road segments. Meanwhile, the county leases EOTEC premises for the Umatilla County Fair and other uses for $100,000 a year.

Also on the agenda, the council will consider awarding a contract to C & E Trenching to reconstruct Sewer Lift Station No. 6 for $689,560. The station near the intersection of North First Place and West Ridgeway Avenue was built in 1981 and is showing its age. The work also calls for the facility to be moved from the southbound lane of North First Place to the lighter-traveled West Ridgeway right of way.

The meeting is at the Hermiston Community Center, 415 S. Highway 395. It is also streamed on the city’s YouTube channel and can be accessed via Zoom. The meeting ID is 8620261404112 and the pass code is 203345.