Council approves dredging project

By on Friday, June 16th, 2023 in Columbia Basin News More Top Stories

WALLA WALLA – The Walla Walla City Council unanimously approved Wednesday to ratify an emergency declaration for dredging at the city’s surface water intake located behind the intake dam on Mill Creek in Oregon.

The screens that surround the intake pipe are currently 40 percent blocked by sediment and are not allowing sufficient water to pass through to meet the city’s water demand.

Currently, one permit for the project is outstanding and Public Works Director Ki Bealey said the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers is pushing to get this permit released.

An emergency declaration was requested by staff and approved by City Manager Elizabeth Chamberlain on May 31. However, Bealey said action taken by the city council Wednesday will help facilitate an expedited award and execution of the construction contract once permits are received. Bealey said this project needs to be expedited.

“The work has to occur in an in-water work window and that is July 1 through August 15,” Bealey said. “We’re crossing our fingers a permit shows up.”

Estimated costs for dredging are anticipated to be in the $150,000 to $300,000 range. Until the dredging work is completed, staff will supplement surface water with well water to meet demand.

Photo of intake screens blocked by sediment via city of Walla Walla