Consultant to tour courthouses

By on Friday, November 5th, 2021 in Columbia Basin News More Top Stories

UMATILLA COUNTY – Umatilla County Commissioner Dan Dorran and the task force he appointed are continuing to study the courthouses in Pendleton and Hermiston to assess what they will need in 10 years. That’s when the next funding cycle from the state comes up.

Dorran said the committee has had detailed tours of the Stafford Hansell Government Center in Hermiston and the Umatilla County Courthouse in Pendleton. Questions have been raised and now they’re asking an expert.

“DLR Architects and Consultants did a little bit of preliminary discussion about what it would take to get a true study done,” Dorran said. “They will be out here next Monday, do the same tours we did, and then that evening we’ll have a meeting with DLR so that they can give us an update of what they saw.”

Dorran said the 10-year timeline is established by the Association of Oregon Counties and the Oregon Department of Justice because they work with a set pool of money. He added that Morrow County has already begun a study of its current courthouse that is very similar to what Dorran has in mind for Umatilla County.