City is planning terminal remodel

By on Friday, August 6th, 2021 in Columbia Basin News More Top Stories

PENDLETON – The city of Pendleton is taking its time when it comes to remodeling the Eastern Oregon Regional Airport. Pendleton has been given a $16 million federal grant for the project and it has four years to spend it. City Manager Robb Corbett said it’s a complicated project because of how old the building is.

“A lot has changed in terms of how the building is being used and what our needs are today compared to what our needs were when that building was first built,” Corbett said. “We’re going to work with the contractor and our budget and we’re going to prioritize what work needs to be done.”

He said he expects the project that’s devised will start in the next six to eight months. “It’s a significant undertaking,” he said.

“You just don’t go out and spend $16 million. There are a lot of smaller projects that have to happen in order to address the issues at the airport that need to be addressed.