By Paul Hall on Friday, July 9th, 2021 in More Top Stories Northeastern Oregon News
LA GRANDE – At their Regular Session July 7th, the La Grande City Council adopted a Housing Production Strategy (HPS) that was developed with the help of Cascadia Partners. The HPS was completed in June 2021, and will promote the development of the needed housing types identified in the Housing Needs Analysis (HNA) that was adopted last December. These include the development of new housing in both ownership and rentals for low, middle and upper income households. According the HNA and HPS, “La Grande expects to add around 1,400 new residents over the next 20 years. To accommodate these new residents, the city will require the addition of 795 new dwelling units, consisting roughly of: 42% single family (336 units), 25% multifamily (200 units), 14% townhomes/plexes (115 units), 13% manufactured housing (100 units), and 6% group quarters (44 units)”.
The Council also approved the award of a contract to install artificial turf at the infields at Optimist and Trice Community fields at Pioneer Park. The project is a partnership between the City, La Grande School District, and Eastern Oregon University. Later that evening, the Council in their role as the Urban Renewal Agency awarded two “Call for Projects” grants. Travelodge at 2215 Adams Avenue will receive $75,000 towards their $157,152 project to replace the exterior doors, railing, and repaint the exterior of the building. Valley Insurance at 1603 Washington also received the maximum award of $75,000 for their $567,041 project to add a two-story, 2,000 square foot addition to their building and improve their parking lot. The new addition will include an ADA wheelchair lift to provide access to the upper floor.