City annexes acreage for homes

By on Friday, December 10th, 2021 in Columbia Basin News More Top Stories

PENDLETON – The city of Pendleton has agreed to annex 10.71 acres of land off of Southwest 18th Street into the city. The landowner plans to have developer Dusty Pace building 25 executive-level homes there.

“These homes will probably provide $60,000 to $80,000 in property tax a year once all 25 of them are built out,” Mayor John Turner said. “People will move into them and put their kids in the schools. They’ll be shopping locally. More homes are really vital to our economy.”

The land is contiguous to the city limits and sits between Southwest 18th and Southwest 24th streets. South County Construction, on behalf of property owner Bryan Jones, plans to build the homes. Turner said there’s more land waiting in the wings.

“There’s another 20 acres out there that could be developed at some future date,” he said.

Turner said the housing crisis is easing a bit, with development going on for all income levels. So far, the city has issued 160 building permits this year. The annual goal is 50.