Chamber requesting proposals to help support businesses

By on Friday, August 27th, 2021 in More Top Stories Northeastern Oregon News

LA GRANDE – The Union County Chamber of Commerce is issuing a Request for Proposals for the evaluation, creation, development and ongoing maintenance of a video campaign project to showcase and highlight the benefits of supporting local businesses. The Chamber is interested in developing this project in an attempt to support local member businesses as they navigate COVID-19 recovery efforts, as well as to promote and support the business and economic community for long-term success and vitality. 

“The Chamber is in the process of developing and focusing on different projects in order to better target and serve our local businesses and residents,” said Suzannah Moore-Hemann, Executive Director of the Union County Chamber of Commerce. “The Chamber Board is very excited to undertake projects to support the mission of the Chamber to foster economic growth and community development, as well as develop a portfolio of projects to highlight the benefits to supporting Union County first.” 

This RFP seeks to solicit proposals from a variety of local videographers and artists to come together for a project to develop a portfolio for the Chamber’s use on the newly launched website, as well as print and digital marketing campaigns to encourage increased support for Union County’s local businesses. The project will be awarded to one or multiple artists who are qualified to develop this video in accordance with the Union County Style Guide.  Images and brief videos will highlight and showcase local businesses in Union County and how this will positively impact the local economy. The Union County Chamber of Commerce is a membership-driven nonprofit organization who aims to support the long-term vitality of the business environment of Union County. By developing a video highlighting local businesses and the importance of supporting the local economy, the Chamber hopes to develop tools for high impact marketing campaigns, which will directly help support the local businesses of La Grande and Union County.  In an effort to aid in COVID-19 recovery efforts, the Chamber will develop this and similar projects and campaigns to support its members. More information is available by contacting the Chamber Director (541-963-8588,