All Northeastern Oregon News

Baker City

November 30, 2021

#GivingTuesday2021 at Crossroads Carnegie Art Center, donate today

BAKER CITY – Today is Giving Tuesday 2021 at Crossroads Carnegie Art Center.  Crossroads is asking everyone …Read More

La Grande

November 30, 2021

La Grande performers unite for 29th annual Holiday Music Festival

LA GRANDE – (Release from EOU) La Grande will see the return of the annual Holiday …Read More

La Grande

November 30, 2021

Celebrating the life of Lee Insko

LA GRANDE – (Information from EOU) It is with a heavy heart that Eastern Oregon University …Read More

La Grande

November 30, 2021

Celebrating the life of Lee Insko

LA GRANDE – (Information from EOU) It is with a heavy heart that Eastern Oregon University …Read More

Baker City

November 30, 2021

Do you know the story of the real Smokey Bear?

BAKER CITY – Smokey the Bear has been a symbol for the U.S. Forest Service for …Read More

Baker City

November 29, 2021

OTEC encourages member-owners to prepare now for possible winter outages

BAKER CITY – (Release provided by OTEC) As the official start of winter draws nearer, …Read More

Wallowa, OR

November 29, 2021

Phase one of Minam River Wildlife Area project completed

LA GRANDE – ODFW along with the Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation and Manulife Investment Management’s timberland …Read More

Baker City

November 29, 2021

Be mindful of gambling problem this season

BAKER CITY – The holiday season is here and with it comes gifts for people of …Read More

Cove, OR

November 29, 2021

Two Ordinances granting a telecommunication network within the city

COVE, OR – (Information provided by the City of Cove)The City of Cove notices second …Read More

La Grande

November 26, 2021

State Officials remove outdoor mask requirements

EASTERN OREGON – (Information provided by the Oregon Department of Education)The Oregon Department of Education …Read More

 November 30, 2021

#GivingTuesday2021 at Crossroads Carnegie Art Center, donate today

BAKER CITY – Today is Giving Tuesday 2021 at Crossroads Carnegie Art Center.  Crossroads is asking everyone …Read More

 November 30, 2021

La Grande performers unite for 29th annual Holiday Music Festival

LA GRANDE – (Release from EOU) La Grande will see the return of the annual Holiday …Read More

 November 30, 2021

Celebrating the life of Lee Insko

LA GRANDE – (Information from EOU) It is with a heavy heart that Eastern Oregon University …Read More

 November 30, 2021

Celebrating the life of Lee Insko

LA GRANDE – (Information from EOU) It is with a heavy heart that Eastern Oregon University …Read More

 November 30, 2021

Do you know the story of the real Smokey Bear?

BAKER CITY – Smokey the Bear has been a symbol for the U.S. Forest Service for …Read More

 November 29, 2021

OTEC encourages member-owners to prepare now for possible winter outages

BAKER CITY – (Release provided by OTEC) As the official start of winter draws nearer, …Read More

 November 29, 2021

Phase one of Minam River Wildlife Area project completed

LA GRANDE – ODFW along with the Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation and Manulife Investment Management’s timberland …Read More

 November 29, 2021

Be mindful of gambling problem this season

BAKER CITY – The holiday season is here and with it comes gifts for people of …Read More

 November 29, 2021

Two Ordinances granting a telecommunication network within the city

COVE, OR – (Information provided by the City of Cove)The City of Cove notices second …Read More

 November 26, 2021

State Officials remove outdoor mask requirements

EASTERN OREGON – (Information provided by the Oregon Department of Education)The Oregon Department of Education …Read More