Camp Creek Reach 1 Aquatic Restoration Project

JOHN DAY, PRAIRIE CITY AND HINES(Released by U.S. Forest Service)-The Blue Mountain Ranger District will begin implementation of the Camp Creek reach 1 aquatic restoration project starting in early July through August 15, 2024.

The project is located at the confluence of Camp Creek and the Middle Fork John Day River, along Forest Service Road 3600. This is one of the final actions for the Camp Creek watershed restoration action plan, initiated in 2009. The project is intended to restore habitat for Endangered Species Act (ESA) threatened Mid-Columbia steelhead and benefit other important aquatic species including juvenile Spring Chinook, Lamprey, and Freshwater Mussels. Work includes placement of whole trees for habitat, beaver dam analog structures, planting of native forbs, grasses and riparian hardwoods, reconnection of abandoned side channels and floodplains.

Heavy equipment will be operating within the project area and Forest Service Road 3690 throughout the project period and the public is asked to use caution while travelling in this area.

For more information about this or other Aquatics Restoration projects on the Malheur National Forest, please visit: