By Mindy Gould on Thursday, February 9th, 2023 in Eastern/Southeast Oregon News More Top Stories
Harney County-Firefighters from Burns Interagency Fire Zone plan to conduct a prescribed fire (controlled burn) on Malheur National Wildlife Refuge. Implementation will begin next week as conditions allow.
West Canal Rx (500 acres) is located between Center Patrol road and Hwy 205 from Steens Mountain road, north to Krumbo Reservoir road.
Buena Vista Rx (311 acres) is north of Buena Vista road.
The goal of this prescribed burn is to open up dense stands of vegetation along waterways and in lowlands. The objectives are to remove decadent vegetation and release tied up nutrients, provide underwater waterfowl food (both plants and invertebrates), and to provide safe brood-rearing habitat.
Please use caution if traveling in the area as there will be increased fire traffic and limited visibility due to smoke.
For questions for concerns, please call 541-573-1000