Burns Interagency Fire Zone changing to moderate fire danger

Harney County-Effective Thursday, 6/23/2022, Burns Interagency Fire Zone will be moving to a Fire Danger Rating of Moderate.  There will be no public use restrictions or IFPL changes at this time.  This effects Burns District BLM and the Southern portion of the Malheur National Forest managed by Emigrant Creek Ranger District.

Fire Danger Level: Moderate

When the fire danger is “moderate” it means that fires can start from most accidental causes, but the number of fire starts is usually pretty low.  If a fire does start in an open, dry grassland, it will burn and spread quickly on windy days.  Most wood fires will spread slowly to moderately.  Average fire intensity will be moderate except in heavy concentrations of fuel, which may burn hot.  Fires are still not likely to become serious and are often easy to control.