Burned area emergency response team completes assessment on the Town Gulch Fire

BAKER CITY – (Release from the U.S. Forest Service) The Forest Service Burned Area Emergency Response (BAER) team has completed their emergency assessment of the Town Gulch Fire. BAER is the rapid assessment of burned watersheds by a BAER team. They identify imminent post-wildfire threats on National Forest System lands. This includes threats to human life and safety, property, and critical natural or cultural resources. They also take immediate actions to manage unacceptable risks before the first major storms.

The BAER team has identified imminent threats to critical values on National Forest System Lands. This is based on a rapid assessment of the Town Gulch Fire burned area. The assessment was conducted using the best available methods to analyze the potential for damage from post-fire threats. This includes flooding and debris flows threats. The findings provide information needed to prepare and protect National Forest System critical values against these post-fire threats.

The Town Gulch BAER team’s findings, post-fire risk assessment, treatment recommendations, and funding request were submitted by the Wallowa-Whitman Forest Supervisor to the Pacific Northwest Regional Office on September 16, 2024. The funding request was approved by the Pacific Northwest Regional Forester on September 23, 2024. Implementation of treatments will start immediately.

The Forest Service will continue to work with other federal, state and local agencies and tribal partners on immediate and longer-term recovery needs of the burned area. Suppression damage repair and other mitigation work has been occurring in many areas. BAER treatments will begin as soon as practical.

BAER treatments cannot prevent all the potential flooding or soil erosion impacts. A wildfire-changed landscape can be dynamic. It is important for the public to stay informed and prepared for possible increased run-off events and falling trees in burned areas.

The Town Gulch Fire Burned Area Summary is attached to this press release and found online.

For more information on the Burned Area Emergency Response Program, visit: Burned Area Emergency Response – BAER.