Bull killed by wolves

By on Monday, November 14th, 2022 in Columbia Basin News More Top Stories

UMATILLA COUNTY – The Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife reports that wolves attacked and killed a 1,500-pound yearling bull in the McKay Canyon area. The investigation began on Friday and biologists said it appeared the animal had been killed less than 24 hours before Friday.

The attack took place on an 1,100-acre private-land pasture. ODFW said the animal suffered more than 60 bites and scrapes before it succumbed. The wounds measured up to 4.5 inches long and a quarter-inch wide. They were found at the right front elbow, both hindquarters above the hock, and near the anus. Pre-mortem hemorrhage was up to two inches deep.

Investigators said the severity, size, and locations of the wounds are consistent with cattle attacked by wolves. The depredation is attributed to the Ukiah Wolf Pack.