By Logan Bagett on Monday, January 15th, 2024 in Eastern/Southeast Oregon News Eastern/Southeast Oregon Top Stories
JOHN DAY – January is Cervical Cancer Awareness Month, and Blue Mountain Hospital District General Surgeon Dr. Gillian Seton was on KJDY’s Coffee Time Monday to go over cervical health and cancer prevention.
Dr. Seton said HPV (Human Papilloma Virus) is the leading cause of cervical cancer, and vaccination along with regular screening can go a long way in catching the cancer before it starts:
“…we do have vaccines against HPV now—which, hopefully, if we get a really good worldwide vaccination program; there’s lots of effort in that regard—could, in theory, eradicate cervical cancer in the next 30 years.
The nice thing about cervical cancer is that screening, along with the vaccination, which is preventative, is very effective in identifying those abnormal cells long before they become cancer. So, that’s a pap smear if you’ve ever heard of that.”
Dr. Seton said approximately 50% of people who are sexually active have been exposed to HPV. She said both males and females can benefit from vaccination, and to talk to a medical provider for more information.
Listen to the full podcast here: