BMHD making adjustments after implementing new records system

By on Monday, October 2nd, 2023 in Eastern/Southeast Oregon News More Top Stories

JOHN DAY – Blue Mountain Hospital District CEO Cam Marlowe was on KJDY’s Coffee Time last week, and said they’re just a few weeks into their new Cerner electronic health records system:

“We’re three weeks in. In some ways, it feels like it’s been one day, and in other ways it feels like it’s been three months. It’s just been a lot of work for us. I think we’ve done as well of a job preparing for this monumental task as we could have, but we also knew that when we went live that there would be a lot of…kind of, hiccups, or things that just needed to be tweaked. We’re in that process right now.”

Folks can expect to spend a little extra time at the hospital or clinic as some of your information that was once in the old system will need to be input and updated into the new system. Marlowe said allowing a few extra minutes for that should help things go smoothly before your visit.

Listen top the full podcast here: