BMHD limits visitors to 1 per patient, per day

By on Friday, January 7th, 2022 in More Top Stories

JOHN DAY – (Press Release from the Blue Mountain Hospital District)

“BMHD is currently facing challenges across our district due to COVID-19 and weather related impacts.

As the national Omicron surge has made its way to Grant County, we are seeing immediate impacts with a large uptick in local cases, increasing testing demand, and need for patient triage calls and appointments. Currently we are experiencing a significant impact at our Care Center with a recent increase in positive tests in both our resident and staff populations. This has exacerbated an already difficult staffing situation; however we are working with the state of Oregon surrounding emergency staffing support. Residents requiring additional care are being transferred to other regional facilities as appropriate.

Unlike other times in the pandemic, we are seeing increased impacts in our hospital inpatient setting.

Over the course of the last week, we have simultaneously had more patients hospitalized than at any other point in the pandemic.

As with many other Grant County businesses, organizations and schools, BMHD is currently facing staffing shortages due to positive COVID-19 cases and quarantine requirements. Compounding the surge in COVID-19 activity has been the impact of the weather related challenges over the last week. Airport closures and weather conditions have prevented the ability for air transport to come into the Grant County Regional Airport or BMHD helipad. Due to difficult road conditions, we have also faced challenges initiating ground transportation. This has caused challenges with transferring both COVID-19 & non COVID-19 patients requiring care at larger regional hospitals. Within the last 24 hours, ground transportation issues have been diminished and we are hopeful that weather and airport conditions will open up air transport soon.

We are working very closely with local, regional and state resources and partners. We are in consultation with the Grant County Health Department and Grant County Emergency Management. Blue Mountain Hospital District along with our collaborating agencies, is working closely with the Oregon Health Authority surrounding the situation for both Blue Mountain Hospital District and the county’s COVID-19 surge at large. Due to these collaborative relationships we have received ambulance and transportation support, state support for supplemental staffing resources, and additional COVID-19 testing supplies and related equipment.

Due to the impacts of the surge, visitors and support persons at Blue Mountain Hospital District are limited to 1 person per day per patient with exceptions being made for end-of-life care. All other district services are available and operational as normal. Patients interested in virtual care options where applicable are encouraged to discuss with your primary care provider or registration staff.

Thank you to those entering our buildings for maintaining Oregon Health Authority required safety protocols. Please call ahead if you are experiencing any COVID-19 related symptoms so we can keep our patients and staff safe and best care for your needs.”