Blue Mountains Conservancy will get a Yurt thanks to a grant from the Wildhorse Foundation

By on Wednesday, September 4th, 2024 in More Top Stories Northeastern Oregon News

LA GRANDE – Thanks to a grant from the Wildhorse Foundation, Blue Mountains Conservancy (BMC) is one step closer to having a yurt on their Heritage Pond Property in La Grande. 

Meghan Ballard, Blue Mountains Conservancy Board Member says that this Yurt will allow year-round classes during the wintertime and also will offer a wind break during windy days and a place to warm up during education and outdoor play. 

The $12,000 granted by the Wildhorse Foundation covers the cost of the Yurt itself, however, funds are still needed for the platform that the Yurt will sit on. Ballard says the expected cost of the platform is around $5,000.  Anyone interested in donating funds, or materials can contact Meghan Ballard at 503 7084264 

Information on Heritage Pond from Blue Mountains Conservancy

Our Heritage Pond Education Center property had the original Oregon Trail pass through it, over 20 heritage fruit trees (many close to 100 years old and genetically unique), and is also a haven for long toed salamanders, quail, wild turkeys & mule deer (who don’t seem to be bothered by the regular flow of teachers & kids).  We also have some flourishing patches of Camas flowers and Wapato on the property we are working on preserving.