Blue Mountain Hospital surgeon talks breast cancer

JOHN DAY – October is National Breast Cancer Awareness Month. Dr. Gillian Seton, General Surgeon at Blue Mountain Hospital District, was on KJDY’s Coffee Time Monday morning to talk about breast cancer, its prevention, and its treatment:

“Breast cancer is pretty common in women. The most-quoted rate is 1-in-8 women will have breast cancer, which is approximately 13% of the population of the United States. The good news is that survival rate is very high. About 91% survive the first five years. It’s even better if it’s an early stage cancer—meaning a young, early, small cancer that’s located just in the breast, it hasn’t spread to any lymph nodes yet—that survival rate is like 99% in the first five years.

Dr. Seton suggests all women getting screened for breast cancer at age 40, and earlier if you are at higher risk.

Listen to the full podcast with Dr. Gillian Seton below: