Bird flu infects Franklin County commercial flock

By on Friday, December 16th, 2022 in Columbia Basin News More Top Stories

OLYMPIA – The first outbreak of highly pathogenic avian influenza has struck a large commercial flock in Franklin County, according to the Washington State Department of Agriculture. While backyard flocks have been impacted in the past, this is the first instance of it hitting a commercial producer in the state.

The operation reported high numbers of sudden death in their chickens last week, plus other birds were showing additional signs of illness. The premises have been quarantined and the WSDA says rapid, humane, euthanasia of all birds on site is critical to contain the outbreak.

State veterinarians said there is little to no risk to the public and that poultry products from this commercial operation will not enter the food supply system. Lab results to confirm the bird flu are pending from the National Veterinary Services Laboratory.

While this is the first commercial flock inspect reported in Washington, there have been 36 infections of domestic flocks.