Bill on rural siting of clean energy facilities gets new life

By on Thursday, February 17th, 2022 in Columbia Basin News More Top Stories

OLYMPIA – Legislation from Rep. Mark Klicker (R-Walla Walla) that would provide more equity between counties producing clean energy and those consuming that energy is still alive in the Washington Legislature. The 2022 legislative session is scheduled to end on March 10.

Klicker introduced House Bill 1871 this session. It did receive a public hearing in the House Environment and Energy Committee, but did not advance to the House floor for a vote. However, much of the policy from that legislation was added as an amendment to House Bill 1812 over the weekend. The House overwhelmingly passed HB 1812 on Sunday.

The new amendment adds a meaningful consultation process that allows rural communities to have a voice in the clean energy facility siting process. The Energy Facility Site Evaluation Council must consult with stakeholders from rural communities, agriculture, and forestry to gain a better understanding of the benefits and impacts of anticipated changes in the state’s energy system, including the siting of facilities under the jurisdiction of the council, and to identify risks and opportunities for rural communities.

“So many people from rural areas in Washington continue to express concerns regarding clean energy facility locations,” Klicker said. It is time that we let them have a place at the table so they can share those concerns.”

The amended version of HB 1812 now heads to the Senate for further consideration.