Baker SD Board Approves Updated Scope for Remaining 2021-2023 Capital  Bond Projects

By on Monday, January 23rd, 2023 in More Top Stories Northeastern Oregon News

BAKER CITY โ€“ (Release from the Baker School District) On January 5, Baker School District leadership, including all five board members, held a work session during which they were presented with updated information from the 2021-2023 Capitol Bond Projects Project Manager (Wenaha Group), Architect (LKV Architects), and Construction Manager/General Contractor (CB Const.) to help determine the new scope of 2021-23 capital bond projects going forward.  

CB Const. of La Grande was hired as the Construction Manager/General Contractor for remaining bond projects at the end of October 2022 and spent the remainder of 2022 with the bond leadership team updating estimates for remaining projects and coming up with options for moving forward with the current budget and scheduling constraints to realize the most  scope possible within the priorities set by the district school board. 

On January 10, members of the Citizensโ€™ Bond Oversight Committee received a similar presentation with feedback from the board membersโ€™ work session.  

Following both of these meetings, the school board met for their regular meeting on January 19, taking input from the Bond Oversight Committee and approving selected projects to move forward. School board members unanimously agreed to move forward with construction of the  new Baker Middle School (BMS) Cafeteria/Multi-Purpose Building as previously designed;  installation of the HVAC equipment already procured for BMS; work at the Baker Early  Learning Center tied to legislative grant funding, including lower roof HVAC, access control,  cameras, and the PA system; as well as secure main entries at Baker High School, BMS,  South Baker Intermediate, Haines Elementary, and Keating Elementary. If funds are left over, additional projects will be identified for completion. 

Our community can stay current on school district bond projects by visiting the bond website at