Baker School District Board meeting highlights from Superintendent Lair

By on Monday, January 23rd, 2023 in More Top Stories Northeastern Oregon News

BAKER CITY – Baker School District Superintendent Erin Lair spoke with Elkhorn Media Group recently and gave an update on the district’s board meeting and what took place.

(EMG) Thank you for joining me, Superintendent Lair. Let’s talk about some highlights from the school board meeting that took place yesterday.

(EL) Hi, Shannon. We heard from a representative of our new auditor, UVF, that they had a positive audit with no material misstatements found in the district’s financial statements and nothing of concern. They recognized good internal controls and said that the district is in good, if not great, financial condition.

Following this report, the board voted to adopt 2023-24 budget priorities, which are to:

Keep schools in tact;

Invest in student behavioral and mental health support;

Invest in communication to staff and the community;

Invest in ways to increase parent involvement;

And invest in community mentorships.

The board also voted on the new scope for remaining 2021-23 capital bond projects, and there was unanimous agreement to move forward with the following projects:

Construction of the new Middle School Cafeteria/Multi-Purpose Building as previously designed;

Installation of the HVAC equipment already procured for Baker Middle School;

Work at the Baker Early Learning Center tied to legislative grant funding, including lower roof HVAC, access control, cameras, and the PA system;

As well as secure main entries at Baker High School, Baker Middle School, South Baker Intermediate, Haines Elementary, and Keating Elementary.

This leaves about $1.3 million in unbudgeted funds as we analyze additional projects ongoing.

(EMG)  That’s great! Is there anything else you’d like to share with us today?

(EL)As a reminder, you can listen to a recording of the board meeting on our website:

And information on our bond projects can be found at: