By Shannon Weidemann (McKone) on Tuesday, October 24th, 2023 in More Top Stories Northeastern Oregon News
BAKER CITY – Baker School District Superintendent Erin Lair (EL) spoke with Elkhorn Media Group (EMG) recently and gave an update on the district’s board meeting and what took place.
(EMG) Thank you for joining me, Superintendent Lair. Let’s talk about some highlights from the school board meeting last week.
(EL) We started the meeting by recognizing a Promise Students of the Month from Brooklyn Primary: Haven Payton. Haven is new to Brooklyn this year and has already made such a positive impact on everyone lucky enough to be around him each day. I look forward to watching Haven continue to grow and blossom over the years to come.
We also got a chance to hear from our five high school students who spent three weeks on an educational exchange with Phorms School in Hamburg, Germany. In addition to Germany, they were able to spend some time in Denmark and Sweden; and it was wonderful to hear about their experiences and see photos of the beautiful architecture and historical sites they visited. Board member Jessica Dougherty was a
fantastic parent chaperone for the group, who is also excited to help welcome students from Phorms School to Baker City this month!
(EMG) What a wonderful experience! Is there anything else that you’d like to share about the board meeting?
(EL) There was an update on our bond projects that can be viewed on our bond projects website:
Progress on the Middle School Cafeteria/Multi-Purpose Building has been substantial in recent days, and I’d encourage everyone to take a look at the live feed video on our website or drive by for a look.
We are also getting ready to start the budget process for our 2024-25 school year. A community-wide survey will be released in early November, and we hope to get a lot of feedback we can use to continue shaping future plans for the district.
(EMG) Thank you Superintendent Lair for the update.