Baker School Board Meeting Highlights

BAKER CITY – Baker School District Superintendent Erin Lair (EL) spoke with Elkhorn Media Group (EMG) recently to share highlights from their recent Board Meeting. 

(EMG) Thank you for joining me, Superintendent Lair. Let’s talk about some highlights from the school board meeting that took place late last week.

(EL) Hi, Shannon. We started out the board meeting recognizing two Promise Students of the Month: Leo Leddy from Baker Virtual Academy and Ian Dinger from Baker Technical Institute. It’s always inspiring to hear the success stories of these incredible students.

 We were also able to celebrate our amazing wrestlers and their coaches who recently placed in the state tournament, including our State Champion, Oakley Anderson!

Additionally, we received an update on bond projects from our project manager, Wenaha Group. Installation of the new rooftop HVAC units at Brooklyn Primary is on track for Spring Break, and BELC drawings have been submitted to the Building Department for permit review.

Maybe most exciting for the community is that we expect to begin construction of the new Middle School Cafeteria/Multi-Purpose Building in April. We are planning a Groundbreaking Ceremony for April 11.

(EMG) That’s really exciting news! Is there anything else that you’d like to share about the board meeting?

(EL) As a reminder, you can listen to a recording of the board meeting on our website:

(EMG) Thanks Superintendent Lair for speaking with me today!