Baker City Snow Removal Policy

By on Monday, November 28th, 2022 in More Top Stories Northeastern Oregon News

BAKER CITY โ€“ (Release from Baker City Public Works) In the event of snowfall with an accumulation of at least 4โ€™โ€™ of snow with more on the way, city crews will begin plowing city streets. It is imperative that all vehicles be removed from streets so that snow can be cleared all the way to the curb. Please see the Baker City website at for a map of priority routes.

Snowplow Season Tips:

  • It is important to keep vehicles parked off roadways so graders/plows can clear the entire width of the road. This is especially important on priority 1, 2 and 3 routes as they are plowed more often than most residential streets. Plowing can begin as early as midnight preparing for morning rush hour.
  • Code Enforcement will be out assisting with tagging and towing of vehicles and other items stored on the street.
  • When shoveling out driveways after the plow has been by, place shoveled snow behind the curb.
  • Please keep snow on private property. It is a municipal code violation to push snow from private property onto city streets.
  • Allow extra time while traveling so that you donโ€™t have to drive faster than the conditions warrant.