Baker City Downtown presents Twinkle in Time

By on Wednesday, September 27th, 2023 in More Top Stories Northeastern Oregon News

BAKER CITY โ€“ (Release from Baker City Downtown) Baker City Downtown presents Twinkle in Time, a new, weekend-long suite of events and activities to launch the beginning of the holiday season. Twinkle in Time includes our annual Cookie Crawl, a new Downtown Holiday Market, the Twilight Parade, Tree Lighting in Court Street Plaza, and the annual Festival of Trees with BCD formally taking stewardship of the event with the blessing of the Saint Alphonsus Foundation (the former event host). 

Twinkle in Time kicks off on Friday, December 1, with the Festival of Trees Gala and live auction. It continues on Saturday, December 2 with the Festival of Trees Family Day including pictures with Santa, make-and-take activities, and silent auction. A new Downtown Holiday Market will take place all day Saturday, concluding with the annual Cookie Crawl. Immediately following is the Twilight Parade and Tree Lighting, organized by the Baker County Chamber of Commerce and Visitor Center. 

Baker City Downtown is pleased to serve Baker by preserving and enhancing the vitality and character of our community through Festival of Trees. Under BCDโ€™s stewardship, Festival of Trees will be restored and reinvigorated to its full, multi-day event to bring the community together in celebration while also raising funds to support projects from multiple local organizations. Letters of Intent will be accepted from organizations and groups throughout Baker County to share in the proceeds from Festival of Trees through a grant process. 

Important Upcoming Dates 

  • Holiday Tree submissions open now through October 27 

BCD is launching the search for the perfect Holiday Tree to place in Court Street Plaza. If you have a tree you would like to donate, please email with a photo showing the full tree, your name, address, and contact information, along with a brief description of where the tree is located on the property. OTEC will select the 2023 Holiday Tree, announcing their choice by Friday, November 10. 

  • Downtown Holiday Market Vendor applications open October 1, due November 1 BCD will launch the search for vendors for refreshments for the new Downtown Holiday Market. There will be no fee to participate in the Downtown Holiday Market. A great fundraising opportunity for local youth groups by selling hot cocoa, apple cider, cookies, etc. to downtown shoppers. Please email to request a vendor application or fill out the form on our website. 
  • Festival of Trees grant letters of intent accepted starting October 1, ending November 1 

Letters of Intent must include a brief project description, budget, any necessary bids, and an explanation for how the project will be a benefit to the community as a whole. Our grant committee will evaluate the LOIs and make their determinations by Friday, November 10. Multiple local organizations and groups will be awarded grants from the proceeds of the Festival of Trees funds. Please email to submit an LOI for consideration, or if you have any questions. In future years, this timeline will be expanded. 

Baker City Downtown is a local, 501(c)3 non-profit organization. Our mission is to preserve and enhance the vitality and character of our community through the beautification, promotion, and development of downtown Baker City. BCD is affiliated with Oregon Main Street and follows the Main Street America 4-Point Approach to community revitalization. BCD accomplishes its mission through various events, projects, activities, and grants. Twinkle in Time is the newest way in which BCD fulfills its mission to our community. 

Baker City Downtown is incredibly excited to launch Twinkle in Time, restoring and reinvigorating our annual events and introducing new festive activities for the benefit of the entire community.