April weather was weird

By on Tuesday, May 3rd, 2022 in Columbia Basin News More Top Stories

PENDLETON – Cold and wet is the best way to describe the entire month of April for the Columbia Basin. The average temperature was 4.4 degrees below normal in Pendleton, 5.5 degrees below normal in Hermiston, and 6.6 degrees below normal in Walla Walla. Meteorologist Camden Plunkett says it was the second coldest April on record in Pendleton, but it was a month of extremes.

“The highest on the month was 71 degrees on the 24th,” he said. “Our minimum temperature for the month was 27 on the 13th.”

Pendleton had 13 days where the temperature was below freezing. Hermiston recorded 12 days below 32 degrees. In Walla Walla there were seven days.

Precipitation was well above normal during the month. Pendleton measured 2.02 inches, which is 0.81 inches above normal. Hermiston had 1.94 inches; 1.16 inches higher than normal. Walla Walla totaled 2.75 inches, which is 0.77 inches above normal.