Application Deadline Set for OWRD Water Project Grants

By on Monday, November 6th, 2023 in More Top Stories Northeastern Oregon News

OREGON โ€“ (Release from the Oregon Water Resources Department) The Oregon Water Resources Department (OWRD) invites entities to submit applications for Water Project Grants and Loans (WPGL) projects and Irrigation Modernization projects. For efficiency in application review, OWRD is running the funding cycles for WPGL and Irrigation Modernization Funding concurrently.

Water Project Grants and Loans Summary

The Water Project Grants and Loans program provides grants for projects to evaluate, plan, and develop instream and out-of-stream water supply projects. This funding opportunity will invest in projects that meet water supply needs and result in public economic, environmental, and social/cultural public benefits. Projects require a 25% cost match.

  • Eligible Projects: Water conservation, reuse, above-ground storage, below-ground storage, streamflow protection or restoration, water distribution, conveyance or delivery systems, and other water resource development projects that result in economic, environmental, and social/cultural public benefits.
  • Anticipated Funding Available: $5 million
  • How to Apply: Application materials are available online.
  • Application Deadline: 5 p.m. on Wednesday, January 17, 2024

Irrigation Modernization Funding Summary

New this year, OWRD has funding for Irrigation Modernization projects that improve water use efficiency of irrigation systems on currently irrigated agricultural lands. To apply for these new funds, the project must leverage federal funds associated with Natural Resources Conservation Serviceโ€™s authorized watershed plans, U.S. Bureau of Reclamationโ€™s WaterSMART grants or U.S. Environmental Protection Agencyโ€™s grants that are eligible to be on the Department of Environmental Qualityโ€™s Intended Use Plan. This funding opportunity will invest in projects that meet water supply needs and result in public economic, environmental, and social/cultural public benefits.

  • Eligible Projects: A project that improves water use efficiency of irrigation systems on currently irrigated agricultural lands. Eligible activities include, but are not limited to: piping irrigation canals, ditches or laterals; lining irrigation canals, ditches or laterals; installing sprinkler or microirrigation systems; upgrading existing infrastructure, such as flumes or pipes; installing or upgrading pump stations, including variable speed pumps; installing measuring devices or soil moisture monitoring; installing Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) systems; purchasing irrigation scheduling software; and upgrading turnouts.
  • Anticipated Funding Available: $25 million
  • How to Apply: Application materials are available online. See the application materials listed under โ€œIrrigation Modernization Fundingโ€ on the WPGL webpage.
  • Application Deadline: 5:00 p.m. on Wednesday, January 17, 2024

Informational Webinars: OWRD will offer two optional information sessions to review the grant process and timeline for both WPGL and Irrigation Modernization Funding. The information sessions will also include a question-and-answer period.

  • Grant Information Session 1: Monday, December 4, 2023, 2-3:30 p.m.

Registration Link:

  • Grant Information Session 2: Thursday, December 7, 2023, 9-10:30 a.m.



Pre-Application Conference: OWRD encourages all applicants to request a Pre-Application Conference before applying. Staff will review your draft application and provide feedback. You must submit your draft application two weeks before the pre-application conference. Pre-application conferences will not be scheduled the week of the application due date. To learn more, see thepre-application conference form.