Antelopes are scared of balloons

By on Wednesday, May 8th, 2024 in Eastern/Southeast Oregon Top Stories

CHRISTMAS VALLEY(Release from Oregon & Washington BLM)-Sometimes, caring for public lands means chasing an antelope on a Sunday.

BLM employee Lisa was monitoring public lands north of the Christmas Valley Sand Dunes when she saw something unusual. In her own words:

“Imagine you are driving down a rural dirt road when suddenly you see antelope running like the devil himself is chasing them. You stop the truck to figure out what is going on, expecting to see a cougar or bear. Instead, what you see ‘chasing’ them has you laughing and sad. It’s blue, shinny, and shaped like a star. Yep, it’s a balloon. Floating through the desert chasing a herd of antelope.

You quickly catch up, stop the truck, and run after the balloon. What you have now is something out of a comic. Me, the slowest land animal, chasing a balloon that is chasing the fastest land animal in North America.

Luckily for everyone involved, the balloon got hung up on sagebrush, allowing me to catch it. I look up to see the antelope staring at me and my friends. No there is no video evidence. Everyone was too busy laughing at my attempts to catch the balloon. The antelope looked relieved and maybe a little amused as well.”

Headed out to public lands? Remember to Leave No Trace! Help us protect habitat for all our Oregon & Washington wildlife.

BLM photos. Photo of the actual balloon. NOT a photo of the actual antelope.