Annual art competition winner could have artwork displayed at US Capital

By on Thursday, March 11th, 2021 in Eastern/Southeast Oregon News More Top Stories

EASTERN OREGON – Congressman Cliff Bentz (R-Ontario) announced that his office has begun accepting submissions for the 2021 Congressional Art Competition. High school students from across Oregon’s Second District are invited to compete in this annual visual art competition for a chance to have their artwork displayed in the United States Capitol.

“The annual Congressional Art Competition is a unique tradition and enjoyable part of my role as United States Representative,” said Bentz. “It is an exciting opportunity for our nation’s youth to showcase their artwork. I look forward to receiving submissions from across Oregon’s Second Congressional District and seeing the many ways through which young artists can apply their talents and vision.”

Submissions for the Congressional Art Competition will be reviewed by a panel of experts which includes local artists and art professors. One winner and several runners-up will be selected.

In addition to a coveted spot in the 2021 national student art exhibit in the Capitol, the winner could receive complimentary round-trip airfare for two to visit Washington, D.C., a chance to see their artwork on display, and an invitation to a reception held in their honor. Runners-up will receive local recognition, and their artwork will be displayed in one of Congressman Bentz’s offices.

To enter the contest, high school students living in Oregon’s Second Congressional District should submit the Student Release Form and no more than two photos (.jpeg) of their two-dimensional artwork to Wyndess James at by April 23, 2021.

For further information, including all necessary forms, those interested are encouraged to visit: