Airport renovation bid is on the agenda

By on Monday, January 31st, 2022 in Columbia Basin News More Top Stories

PENDLETON โ€“ The Pendleton City Council meets at 7 p.m. tomorrow (Tuesday). The agenda includes awarding a contract to McCormack Construction to serve as the general manager and general contractor for the renovation of the Eastern Oregon Regional Airport.

The base bid for the project is $3,184,365. City staff is recommending that the kitchen and bathrooms also be remodeled. Adding in those costs and the architect and engineering fee, the bid totals $3,892,761. The project is funded by the cityโ€™s CARES Act grant of $16,881,672 and is specified by the federal government to be used for airports.

Under new business, the council will hear an update on the aquatic center, listen to a report on the cityโ€™s street projects, and begin consideration of an airport ground lease with McCormack Construction.

There are some seats available for the meeting in council chambers of Pendleton City Hall. The meeting is also carried via Zoom. The meeting ID is 848 8298 2122 and the pass code is 248854.