Abbot Road improvements begin final stage

By on Wednesday, August 24th, 2022 in Columbia Basin News More Top Stories

WALLA WALLA โ€“ Walla Walla Public Schools recently completed bulb outs on the north side of Abbott Road with ADA compliant ramps at new crossing locations for improved safety measures. Walla Walla County Public Works is now set to begin its phase of improvements by installing a new sidewalk along the north side of Abbott Road between Scarpelli Street and Fern Avenue. The county secured a grant from the Transportation Improvement Board.

Once completed, the grant-funded, county-installed sidewalk and the bond-related improvements made by Walla Walla Public Schools will be tied together and fill in the sidewalk gap that currently exists to improve pedestrian connectivity to Walla Walla High School. The project will also include stormwater improvements by eliminating a direct drainage outflow into Yellowhawk Creek and installing stormwater infiltration structures under the roadway.

Abbott Road between Fern Avenue and Scarpelli Street is open; however Walla Walla County Public Works will possibly have single lane closures during construction. The anticipated completion of work is the end of September.

The photo of Abbott Road was taken before the improvements