By Paul Hall on Wednesday, September 8th, 2021 in More Top Stories Northeastern Oregon Top Stories
LA GRANDE – (Information provided by Grande Ronde Hospital) Beginning this month, Grande Ronde Hospital and Clinic’s (GRH) Community Benefit Subcommittee will begin to survey Union County residents via the U.S. mail as part of our community health needs assessment (CHNA) process. The goal of this process is to improve overall health and well-being of our community by identifying areas with a demonstrated health need or discrepancy.
In developing the confidential and anonymous survey, the Subcommittee worked closely with community members representing other health and public welfare agencies, local government, education, private entities and more.
Over the next two months, 2,000 Union County residents ages 19 and older will be randomly selected to receive these confidential and anonymous surveys in the mail. The survey asks questions about general health, risk and protective health factors, and access to health care. Those who are randomly selected to receive these are urged to complete and return the survey in order to create a snapshot of the health needs of Union County residents.
Survey results will help in planning and addressing real health concerns within our community. The compilation of results will guide GRH and other local health and community agencies in collaborative efforts over the next several years. The report will be used by the Subcommittee to prioritize needs as we create a community benefit plan to guide efforts for fiscal years 2023-2025. A final CHNA report will be published in the spring of 2022 and made available to the public on our website.
For information regarding the survey and the CHNA process, or for previous health needs assessment and annual reports, please visit or contact Wendy Roberts, GRH Community Benefit Officer at 541-963-1469.