A Reminder on Oregon’s Firework Policies

EASTERN OREGON – Fireworks and fire season go hand in hand in more ways than one. With Summer kicking off and Independence Day only a month away, Oregonians may be looking forward to some pyrotechnic festivities. It should be noted, however, that the sale and usage of fireworks in Oregon adhere to specific regulations. Below are a few legal and safety reminders on Oregon’s firework policy as written by the Oregon State Fire Marshal:

  • Oregon fireworks are classified under “Retail” and “Limited 1.4g” categories.
    • Retail fireworks may be used without a permit and can be purchased from permitted retail locations from June 23 to July 6.
    • Limited 1.4g fireworks (such as bottle rockets, roman candles, firecrackers and various forms of aerial launched fireworks) may only be used with a valid use permit.
  • Retail fireworks may be used at any time of year though may be prohibited under local fire restrictions. Locations such as state beaches, parks, campgrounds and other state and federal lands are also considered prohibited.
  • Fireworks cannot be purchased and imported from another state.
  • Fireworks that launch into the air and explode or behave unpredictably are restricted under the 1.4g category and require a permit to use. 
  • Sky lanterns are also prohibited under state law.
  • Use permits for 1.4g fireworks can be purchased for either:
    • General fireworks display.
    • Limited fireworks display.
    • Special effects display.
    • Pest control or agriculture related project (such as scaring away birds).
  • All 1.4g permits, with the exception of pest control, require a $100 permit fee. 
  • Use of fireworks in a prohibited area may result in a class B misdemeanor, up to $2,500 per violation and a civil penalty of up to $500.

For additional information on the state’s firework policy, visit: Oregon State Police : Fireworks : Office of the State Fire Marshal : State of Oregon