A new clinic in the works for Wallowa

By on Friday, June 25th, 2021 in More Top Stories Northeastern Oregon News

WALLOWA, OR – (Information provided by Wallowa Memorial)  The nearly 800 citizens of Wallowa have been without a full service medical clinic for the last decade.  Soon that will no longer be the case.  Working to fill that void, Wallowa Memorial Hospital and Medical Clinics have purchased the building that formerly housed Fox Archery at 701 W Hwy 82.  Architects have been deployed to start work on transforming the building into a state of the art medical clinic.   The clinic will be open five days a week and offer a full lineup of primary care and mental health services and is expected to open during the first half of 2022.

Ron Fox, former owner of Fox Archery and Wallowa resident remarked, “About a year ago Larry Davy called me and said that the hospital might be interested in my property for a clinic in Wallowa. The call got me thinking about all the good things having a clinic here would bring to our little community. We have a lot of elderly folks here and sometimes it is hard for them to get a ride in to see their doctor.  In emergency situations, it can take an hour or so to get into Enterprise.  My family has had to use the hospital several times and it sure would have been nice to have a clinic close. It would also bring jobs. We have certainly been blessed to have the quality of health care that we have in such a small community. I had several folks wanting to rent and a couple folks interested in buying the property but after talking to Larry I decided to wait and do everything that I could to get a clinic here in Wallowa. I really want to thank Larry for all the work of getting this project off the ground.  I’m certainly looking forward to having a nice facility in Wallowa.”

“The people of Wallowa deserve to have a premier clinic that does not require an hour round-trip trek to garner healthcare services.  We have received numerous requests to build in Wallowa over the last ten years and we have been looking for the perfect location for quite some time.  Our decision to purchase Olive Branch Family Health was largely in part to keep a clinic in Wallowa open.  We have simply outgrown the current space and want to provide a facility that is worthy of the people of the lower valley.” says hospital CEO Larry Davy.  He goes on to say, “It is our mission to provide premier care to the residents of Wallowa County.  A professional clinic in Wallowa is the next piece in delivering on that mission.  We are so thankful for Ron’s shared vision and his willingness to work with us on this project.  ”