A key date for updates to guidelines on In-Person instruction

By on Wednesday, January 6th, 2021 in More Top Stories Northeastern Oregon News

LA GRANDE โ€“ (A letter sent to Parents of the La Grande School District, by Superintendent George Mendoza)     La Grande School District is eager to have grades K-6 learning on-site, beginning on January 11, 2021. This update is in regard to the potential of bringing grades 7-12 back on-site and includes upcoming dates in which LGSD will receive guidance impacting the achievability of having all students learning on-site. 

Ready Schools, Safe Learners (RSSL) guidance was updated on December 31, 2020. The primary change is the Health Metrics for Returning to In-Person Instruction has transitioned from mandatory to advisory. Other changes provide for alignment to the CDCโ€™s new recommendations on quarantining (see the updated โ€œPlanning for COVID-19 Scenarios in Schoolsโ€ guidance) and a few additional clarifications as outlined in the release notes table on page one. 

As you are aware, on December 18, 2020, I sent a message to our staff and community and indicated from January 4-8, 2021, all students would remain in Comprehensive Distance Learning and beginning on January 11, 2021, grades K-6 would be back on-site. I also stated that on January 27, 2021, grades 7-12 may return to on-site learning. 

At the time I made the announcement, the โ€œSafe Harborโ€ clause in the RSSL guidance was in general alignment with our Health Metrics for Returning to In-Person Instruction requirements. However, as of January 1, 2021, our metrics transitioned to advisory. Currently, the โ€œSafe Harborโ€ clause for schools operating under previous metrics is no longer needed. 

We are still on track with following the return to on-site learning timeline stated above and our intention is to do so with great implementation of all our safety protocols. 

Over the coming weeks, you may expect the following: 

1. LGSD will continue to follow all RSSL guidelines and rules under Executive Order 20-29 and Planning for COVID-19 Scenarios in Schools. These documents and rules are still requirements for districts to follow. 

2. LGSD will continue to operate in a manner that protects the liability, safety, and protection of our staff and students as it relates to their health and safety while operating with in-person learning. If we need to quarantine, isolate, close a classroom, stop transportation, close a building or ultimately move back into CDL, LGSD will follow the same procedures as we have in the past. 

3. Our process has been to work with our administrative team, school nurses, County Health Department, Grande Ronde Hospital, Union County Emergency Management, Union County Commissioners, LGSD school board, and union groups to look at data such as COVID-19 cases, community spread and/or COVID-19 spread in multiple locations, COVID-19 cluster cases in our schools, attendance rates, lack of staff, substitutes, etc. That will remain the same process. 

4. Early in January, the Oregon Department of Education will engage with school districts and community partners to inform and refine any updates to the advisory Health Metrics for Returning to In-Person Instruction. On or near January 19, there will likely be changes and updates to RSSL guidelines as well as other state level Risk Guidance Charts. 

5. On or near January 19, LGSD will have another town hall meeting at 6:30 PM to give an update to our communities on changes or updates. More details on the town hall to come. 

My goal is to keep you informed as best I can and share updates as soon as I am able to do so. My position for quite some time has been to allow as many students as possible to come back into our schools, as often as possible and as long as we can safely operates and educate. That remains my focus as we navigate these evolving circumstances.