Jim & Deanna Myers named La Grande fall 2024 beautification award winners

LA GRANDE – (Release from La Grande Parks and Recreation) The home of Jim and Deanna Myers, 2608 N Ash Street, has received the City of La Grande fall beautification award. Jim’s skills as a former grounds keeper at EOU are on display in their beautifully tended landscape. The front yard features a happy assortment of colorful flower beds, brightening the space, perfuming the air, and providing late season habitat for pollinators like bees and butterflies. “The back yard is even better,” said Deanna. “Jim gets all the credit; my job is to ooh and aww.” 

The Beautification Awards Program is a project of the La Grande Community Landscape and Forestry Commission to recognize residential and commercial properties that add to the beauty, diversity and sustainability of La Grande’s environment.