Baker County residents impacted by Wildfires can find new resources September 17 and 19

By on Monday, September 16th, 2024 in More Top Stories Northeastern Oregon News

BAKER COUNTY – The 2024 fire season has been nothing short of devastating for communities in Oregon. Baker County in particular dealt with both the Durkee Fire (which spread to around 295,000 acres) and the smaller but still severe Town Gulch Fire (just under 19,000 acres), in addition to other fires throughout the season. For those in Baker County that may have been impacted by the fires (whether through direct loss of property and assets, or more indirect hardships) The Oregon Department of Emergency Management is hosting a pair of fire recovery meetings September 17 and 19.

These meetings act as an opportunity to share resources and information for local residents, landowners, and livestock and agricultural producers who may need additional support following the fires. Specific topics of discussion include:

  • Programs for fencing loss & cattle loss
  • Range planting & prescribe grazing
  • Private landowner technical assistance
  • Water quality & livestock watering
  • Producer assistance & donation distribution
  • Timber/debris management
  • Insurance advocacy & recovery projects
  • Individual assistance & case management.

The first meeting will be held September 17 from 6-8 p.m. at the Durkee Community Hall, 28716 Old Highway 30, Durkee, OR 97905. The second meeting will be held at the Eagle Valley Grange 656 Hall, 42008 Moody Road, Richland, OR 97870