Local school districts covering supply costs for students as new school year approaches

By on Wednesday, August 14th, 2024 in More Top Stories Northeastern Oregon News

EASTERN OREGON – The 2024-25 school year is almost here for districts in the Tri-County area, with some schools down to less than a week before their first day. For any families concerned about the cost of school supplies, many districts are offering programs or alternatives to pay for student school supplies this year, ranging from partial to full coverage. The school supply policy and district start date for all tri-county school districts are as follows:

La Grande SD

Families of K-5 students are charged a flat rate of $30 for all school supplies for the year. Bulk pricing is used to purchase supplies at a cheaper cost than individual shopping by families. Students in grades 6-12 are provided normal school supply lists, though students in foster care or experiencing homelessness may utilize the Youth in Transition (YIT) Program to receive school supplies for free.

Class begins for K-7 students and freshmen on August 26. 8th graders, sophomores and seniors begin August 27.

District website: https://www.lagrandesd.org/

Imbler SD

Families of elementary school students will be provided a normal school supply list, though private donations will be arranged to help purchase supplies for families that cannot afford them. No cost covering program is currently available for Imbler High School students.

Class begins for grade 7-12 students on August 19. Classes for K-6 students begin August 20.

District website: https://www.imbler.k12.or.us/

Union SD

The district will purchase all basic school supplies for K-12 students. Families are still asked to purchase a book bag/backpack for their students, and grade 7-12 students will also need to provide their own gym shoes. It’s also recommended that 7-12 students have their own calculator.

Class begins for all students August 26.

District website: https://www.union.k12.or.us/

Cove SD

The Cove school district will continue to cover all basic supplies for K-12 students as they’ve done for the past 6 years.

Class begins for all students August 19, with normal class instruction beginning on the first day.

District website: https://www.cove.k12.or.us/

Elgin SD

Elgin school District already put out a standard supply list for families of K-12 students, though the district does have extra supplies on hand to help cover the costs for any families that cannot afford school supplies.

Class begins for all students August 19.

District website: https://www.elgin.k12.or.us/

North Powder SD

Families are charged a $25 student fee which then covers the cost for all school supplies for the year for all K-12 students.

Class begins for all students September 3, after Labor Day.

District website: https://www.npowder.k12.or.us/

Baker SD

School supplies are provided by the district for all K-6 students. Some supplies may be provided for grade 7-12 students, though what specifically is covered will depend on each class. Students will be given a class-specific supply list on their first day, and generally only need to bring a notebook and pen to get started. All other student fees, such as athletics, are covered by the district.

Class begins for all students August 26.

District website: https://bakersd.org/

Enterprise SD

Enterprise School District does not have any policy to cover student school supplies. However, multiple local businesses usually donate school supplies for K-12 students each year.

Class begins for all students August 26.

District website: https://www.enterpriseschool.org/en-US

Joseph SD

The school district works with Wheatland insurance to cover some costs of student school supplies.

Class begins for all students August 26.

District website: https://www.josephcharter.org/

Wallowa SD

Elementary students are asked to bring a backpack, water bottle and pair of PE shoes, with all other supplies being provided by the district. A short list of supplies required for Middle & high school students is available on the district’s Facebook page and website. The district will cover needed items for any students having issues getting school supplies. Several local businesses have also set up supply drives to further help students.

Class begins for all students August 28.

District website: https://www.apps.wallowa.k12.or.us/