Wallowa-Whitman National Forest phase B public use and level 3 industrial restrictions

NORTHEAST OREGON โ€“ (Releases from the U.S. Forest Service)

Public Use Restrictions

Wallowa-Whitman National Forest leadership have upgraded the Forestโ€™s Public Use Restrictions to PUR Phase B effective at 00:01 Wednesday, July 17.

We ask that the public and visitors to our Forest to please adhere to the following rules and regulations as to mitigate the danger of preventable human-started fire.

Campfires ONLY at designated areas: Campfires are only allowed in fire pits provided at the designated recreation sites listed below, or within the Eagle Cap Wilderness (except for year-around campfire rules on the back of Eagle Cap Wilderness permits). Liquefied and bottled gas stoves and heaters may be used, but charcoal fires are not allowed. Wood-burning stoves may be used if equipped with a chimney at least 5-feet in length and a spark-arresting screen consisting of ยผ-inch mesh hardware cloth, and all flammable vegetation within a 3-foot radius is cleared, including overhanging material. Separate year-around rules apply within a ยผ mile of the Wild and Scenic portions of the Snake River (fs.usda.gov/alerts/wallowa-whitman/alerts-notices). Public lands in Idaho administered by the Wallowa-Whitman follow separate Idaho Fire Restrictions (idahofireinfo.com/p/fire-restrictions.html)

Use of Chainsaws: Use of Chainsaws or other Internal Combustion Engines (other than a motor vehicle) are Not Allowed. Generators will only be allowed, when fully contained in the bed of a pickup truck or in an area that has been cleared, at least 10 feet in diameter, of all flammable material.

Traveling Off Developed Forest Roads and Trails is Not Allowed, except for the purpose of going to and from a campsite located within 300 feet of the open developed road. All motorized travel on roads closed by gates, barricades, berms, rocks, or logs is prohibited.

No Smoking, except within an enclosed vehicle or building, developed recreation site or while stopped in an area at least three feet in diameter that is barren or cleared of all flammable material.

Separate rules apply within a ยผ mile of the Wild and Scenic portions of the Snake River and Grande Ronde River (fs.usda.gov/alerts/wallowa-whitman/alerts-notices). Public lands in Idaho administered by the Wallowa-Whitman follow separate Idaho Fire Restrictions (idahofireinfo.com/p/fire-restrictions.html). 

Firefighting and aviation resources are poised to respond to growth on existing large fires as well as emerging fires. With increasing smoke impacts, itโ€™s important to stay smoke ready by visiting https://www.airnow.gov/

With dry forest fuels and high daytime temperatures, conditions are prime for human- caused forest fires. We ask everyone to be extremely careful when out in the forest.

For more information on fire restrictions, contact a Forest Service office or visit our websites: http://bmidc.org/restrictions.shtml or www.fs.usda.gov/wallowa-whitman http://bluemountainfireinfo.blogspot.com/

Industrial Restrictions

Wallowa-Whitman National Forest leadership have upgraded the Forestโ€™s Industrial Fire Protection to Level 3 effective at 00:01 Wednesday, July 17. With the continuing heat, wind and dangerously dry conditions across Eastern Oregon, the following restrictions will be in place.

Industrial Fire Protection Level III โ€“ Partial Shutdown

The following are prohibited except as indicated:

Cable Yarding – except that gravity operated logging systems employing nonmotorized carriages may operate between 8 p.m. and 1 p.m. when all blocks and moving lines are suspended 10 feet above the ground except the line between the carriage and the chokers.

Power Saws – except power saws may be used at loading sites and on tractor/skidder operations between the hours of 8 p.m. and 1 p.m. local time

In addition, the following are permitted to operate between the hours of 8 p.m. and 1 p.m. local time:

  • Tractor, skidder, feller-buncher, forwarder, or shovel logging operations where tractors skidders, or other equipment with a blade capable of constructing fire line are immediately available to quickly reach and effectively attack a fire start.
  • Mechanized loading or hauling of any product or material; blasting
  • Welding or cutting of metal
  • Any other spark emitting operation not specifically mentioned.

Smoke from outside of the forest can still create a dangerous zone especially for people with compromised cardiovascular and immune systems. Stay up to day on air quality by visiting https://www.airnow.gov/

Stay informed on the latest fire information and observe emergency closure areas as conditions can change quickly:

