Union County begins regulated use fire season

UNION COUNTY – (Release from Union County Emergency Services) Union County regulated use fire season will begin on July 1, 2024, which pertains to the use of incinerators, burn barrels, improved fire pits, fire appliances, and prohibits burning other than regulated agricultural field burning and prescribed fires authorized by state and federal agencies as conditions allow. 

As described in the county ordinance, while in regulated use fire season, the use of incinerators and burn barrels for the burning of untreated wood, paper products and/or natural vegetative materials within the described lands shall be allowed but only between the hours of 6:00 a.m. and 10:00 a.m., provided the following burn barrel use conditions are adhered to:

  • Barrels must be located in an area free of burnable materials with a 10-foot radius around the base of the burn barrel, and shall not be within 25 feet of any structure.
  • Barrels shall be in good condition and equipped with a heavy metal screen on top.
  • Burn barrel fires shall be attended at all times by responsible person(s) who shall have on site and readily available a shovel and water sufficient to suppress accidental ignitions.
  • Burning on windy days where burning material is likely to be transported beyond the cleared area is prohibited.
  • Oregon Department of Forestry (ODF) burn permit requirements must also be followed in areas within ODF jurisdiction.

The use of improved fire rings and fire appliances such as gas fire places, metal or stone chimneys, charcoal barbeques, outdoor ovens and commercial fire pits or similar products, are allowed during fire season by the land owner or their agent under the following conditions:

  • Improved fire rings and fire appliances:  Recreational fires are allowed only in fire structures with a diameter of less than six feet with walls at least six inches high made of non-combustible material such as rock, steel, or concrete that effectively contains burning materials to prevent accidental fire spread.  Combustible material shall be removed a minimum of three feet beyond the fire ring and readily combustible material such as dry grass must be removed a minimum of 10 feet surrounding the fire ring.
  • Only fuel comprised of untreated wood, paper products and/or natural vegetative materials may be burned in a fire ring or appliance.
  • Fires shall be attended at all times by responsible person(s).
  • Fire must be attended until fully extinguished.
  • ODF burn permit requirements must also be followed in areas within ODF jurisdiction. 

The regulated fire season will continue through September 30, 2024 unless special action is taken. If extreme fire danger exists, the Union County Board of Commissioners may ban all fires outside incorporated cities at the recommendation of the Union County Fire Defense Board.  Regulated fire season does not apply to regulated agricultural field burning or the use of gas barbeques at residences.

The ordinance may be read in its entirety on the county website at www.union-county.org.