Look up – a ‘Kongregation’ flies over Pendleton

By on Thursday, June 20th, 2024 in Columbia Basin News More Top Stories

Balloonists are planning to fly high over the Round-Up City as they pay respect to Jeff “Kong” Shields of Walla Walla who died in 2021. Balloonists now gather annually to honor his memory and this year, Vic and Mandy Johnson are hosting the third event in Pendleton.

Propane-powered balloons could dot the skies as early as 5:45 Friday morning as many balloonists are arriving early for the memorial. The Johnsons say Pendleton was one of Shields favorite places to fly. The events have been held in Prosser and Ferndale and will be at other sites in the Pacific Northwest in years to come.

Vic Johnson and other pilots and crew members were part of the Mt. Tahoma – Over the Top event in 2002. The first hot air balloon to fly over Mt. Rainier was test flown several times in Pendleton and Eastern Oregon. It was named Wyakis by Confederated Tribes Chief Carl Sampson and those on the team considered Sampson’s blessing of the balloons, pilots, and crew were an integral part of the project’s success.

The balloons will launch with the sun, possibly as early as 5:30 a.m. Some balloonists may knock on doors asking for permission to land in balloon-friendly fields. The Johnsons say there could be as many as 18 balloons overhead depending on winds aloft and the cost of fuel.

The balloonists ask that people come out and wave as they hear the whoosh of a balloon passing overhead. The members of the Kongregation will be wearing identifiable shirts and welcome people approaching them with questions when they are on the ground in the area.

To celebrate the Kongregation, Arrowhead Travel Plaza is offering reduced propane pricing at $2.80 per gallon from June 21-23.