Seized commercial pill presses, drugs, firearms bring federal charges

By on Wednesday, January 3rd, 2024 in Columbia Basin News More Top Stories

SPOKANE – Eastern Washington U.S. Attorney Vanessa Waldref announced Tuesday that a federal grand jury has indicted Timothy Gray Maddox on 10 felony counts and Nicholas Bryan Adams on seven felony counts in connection to the seizure of drugs, firearms, and two commercial pill presses.

The pill presses seized by investigators represent the first known commercial presses associated with illegal fentanyl manufacturing in Eastern Washington. The presses are believed to be able to produce thousands of pills per hour.

Investigators also seized more than a dozen firearms, suppressors, switches used to convert firearms from semi-auto to full auto, and more than $57,000 in cash. Investigators also seized quantities of fentanyl, methamphetamine, heroin, and cocaine.

Maddox and Adams were arrested in connection to a months-long drug investigation by law enforcement. Evidence was seized at four different locations in the Spokane area.