WW seeks public’s help keeping hate-filled words off sidewalks

By on Wednesday, December 27th, 2023 in Columbia Basin News More Top Stories

WALLA WALLA – The city of Walla Walla and the Downtown Walla Walla Foundation reports that for the past four years, a person or people have repeatedly been writing hate-filled language on downtown sidewalks. Now, they are reaching out to the public for some ideas on how to stop it.

Downtown Walla Walla Foundation Executive Director Kathryn Witherington explains Parks and Recreation staff clean the sidewalks when they can. However, there are times that they are not on hand to clean it up.

Witherington adds another problem is the issue of arresting the chalk bandit(s). The city attorney’s office said the federal courts have held that speech on public streets and sidewalks are granted special First Amendment rights.

“Unfortunately, our hands are largely tied legally by several court cases,” she said.

Both the city and Downtown Walla Walla Foundation have a few ideas they’re exploring to make sure the sidewalks are reflective of a welcoming community, including a volunteer cleanup crew. They want to hear other ideas from community members. Witherington can be reached at 509-529-8755.