Baker Library asks for input on the proposed syringe drop box outside the library

By on Wednesday, November 29th, 2023 in More Top Stories Northeastern Oregon News

BAKER CITY — Baker County Public Library is inviting community members to provide feedback on a proposed initiative that aims to enhance community safety and well-being. The library is considering approval of installation of a used syringe drop box, also known as a sharps disposal bin, on its premises in Baker City and is seeking input through an online community feedback survey. 

All costs for installation and maintenance of the outdoor bin would be provided by New Directions Northwest, Inc. (NDNW), a local organization which provides counseling and treatment for mental-health, alcohol, drug and gambling abuse disorders. The bin would allow safe disposal of used needles and syringes 24 hours a day. At a presentation to the library board in October, NDNW staff reported that the Leo Adler Pathway along the river is an area where used syringes are sometimes found. The library has logged up to two incidents per year of syringes found in trash bins or on library grounds, though the rate dropped to just one incident per year recently. According to the Malheur County Health Department, such bins installed in Ontario, Nyssa, and Vale collected approximately 15,000 syringes in 2021 and have dramatically reduced the incidence rate of unsafely disposed medical waste items.

The primary purpose of the survey is to gauge community sentiment and gather insights on the potential benefits and concerns associated with the availability of a used syringe drop box outside at the library. The initiative reflects the library’s commitment to creating a safe and inclusive space for all patrons while addressing public concerns.

The survey, accessible both online and at the library, covers various aspects of the proposed installation, including:

  • The degree of support and opposition for a used syringe drop box for public use on library exterior grounds.
  • The degree of support and opposition for a used syringe drop box inside the library in a public restroom.
  • Concerns or considerations regarding the proposed locations.
  • An opportunity for additional comments on the subject for the library administration.

Library Director Perry Stokes emphasizes the importance of community involvement in the decision-making process: “We value the input of our community members and want to ensure that any decisions we make align with their needs and expectations. The survey provides an opportunity for residents to express their opinions and contribute to the decision-making process.”

To participate in the survey, community members can visit the Baker County Public Library website or pick up a paper copy at the library. The survey is open from November 17 to December 10, and all responses will be treated confidentially. The library has received about 20 survey submissions to date.

After the survey period concludes, the library board will consider the feedback received and use it to inform the final decision regarding the proposal at its meeting on December 12. The library remains committed to fostering an open and transparent dialogue with the community and will share the survey results and decision in a subsequent announcement.

For more information about the community feedback survey or the proposed used syringe drop box installation, please contact Library Director Stokes at 541-523-6419.