City council to discuss new College Place park concept

By on Tuesday, October 3rd, 2023 in Columbia Basin News More Top Stories

COLLEGE PLACE – The College Place City Council meets at 5:30 p.m. tonight (Tuesday) for a workshop. The council will discuss design concepts for a new park in the Autumn Meadows subdivision at East Whitman Drive and Southeast Maple Street.

The city is trying to develop concepts so it can go for outside grant funding. The site is city-owned property that cannot be sold because it permanently has a state-mandated emergency draining swale running through a portion of it for the city’s new drinking water well located nearby.

Another agenda item is the draft fiscal year 2024 state and federal legislative agenda. Every year, the city develops this agenda for state and federal legislators.

City Administrator Mike Rizzitiello said the key priority projects include construction of the western College Place water system improvement project which includes a new well and reservoir, estimated at $20 million.

Other projects include replacing the police station, $12 million; the Lions Park Community Center, $10.1 million; construction of Southeast 12th Street from South College Avenue to Southeast Sky Avenue, $5.4 million. The meeting in city hall will also be streamed on the city’s YouTube channel.