Nearly three-quarters of a million dollars was raised during the 2023 Baker County Fair Livestock Auction

BAKER COUNTY — The Baker County Fair Livestock Auction brought in huge numbers during this year’s event.  With a total sale before add-ons of $696,628.50.  Add-ons will take the total sale to roughly $710,000-720,000 according to accountant Jordan Ferguson

How do those numbers break down per animal?

Averages per Pound

Goat – $14.91 (10 exhibitors)

Poultry – $49.20 (4 exhibitors)

Sheep – $16.23 (28 exhibitors)

Steers – $4.77 (65 exhibitors – one Shrine Steer sold away from our fair)

Rabbits – $49.04 (5 exhibitors)

Swine – $12.33 (66 exhibitors)